So I left on the 30th of July with a girl named Becca. We drove down to Dallas and arrived around 11:00-11:15. We waited for my friends Crystal and Jen who were part of the Appinelli's on Peter Facinelli's app. So we went to lunch after we got checked into our hotel room. We were on the 21st floor. We were all excited because we figured we would have a good view. We open up our window to see a wall. Seriously people? Anyways, we went to lunch as we waited for Leslie to show up. After Leslie showed up we got ready for registration. Let me tell you, this was the biggest mess ever. The lines were all screwed up. Leslie and I got frustrated so we went to find someone and she got us our passes ASAP. I felt like VIP. We looked through our stuff to make sure we had everything. We noticed that we didn't have the photo opp that Peter or his manager called about. So I mentioned it to her. Turns out. Peter called up to them personally and requested the 4 of us. We were all excited because he was the one that called up there. Not his manager. Anyways we got our stuff and went and looked at all of the vendors. Let me tell you. There were some interesting things. We had some trouble finding some Team Carlisle stuff, but we managed to find just enough. We got a poster that said "Team Carlisle" on it and put it on our hotel door. We all signed it also. We went to the opening ceremony and it was quite funny. Well we ended up going out after we ate dinner and went to a couple of clubs. We went to a couple crappy ones and then we went to a really awesome one. I just remember dancing the night away and taking a cab back to the hotel. At least I think it was a cab... It was a blast. We went up stairs and of course Becca got sick and passed out. Which was funny. We turned on Twilight and we had fun seeing Peter. Friday came along and we woke up, ate breakfast and then went to the 100 Monkeys autograph signing. Well while we were waiting in line they announced that Jackson would not be there. (We later figured out the reason why he wasn't there and let me say, I am very disappointed in the people who put on Twicon) In my opinion they treated the actors horrible, just like they treated the people that were there to have a great weekend. Anyways, we went to the 100 Monkeys concert at the convention and then we went to the concert at Poor Daves Pub. I met an awesome girl there. Who I am so glad I became friends with. She is just awesome! I got some amazing pictures of the 100 Monkeys. Well we got home around 2 or so and we all went to bed, since we didn't want to look like hell when we met Peter. We woke up and got ready for Peter Saturday morning. We were escorted in front of everyone in the lines and no one else wanted to go first. So I walked through the door and he knew exactly who we were. It was very exciting. We got individual pictures and then a group picture. When we were leaving he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was so sweet. We then went on to get a group picture with Billy Burke. Billy Burke was great. I was giving him crap about his app and how he is never on. He told me he was still trying to figure it out... well of course the Twicon Nazi's shoo'd us along. Stupid Twicon Nazi's. Anyways. We waited awhile and then we went to the Q&A thing. Peter was great and so was the rest of the cast that was there. It truly sucked. The questions weren't fun and it as short. Well then we went and go our pictures that we had taken earlier and we got in line to get Peter's autographs. He autographed mine to me. It was great and once again the Twicon Nazi's were bitches again. Well we all went our seperate ways. I went back to the hotel room for a bit and then decided to go walk around. I was on the 2nd floor of the hotel and met some nice people. Well. I decided that it was time for me to go back to the hotel when this guy wearing an awesome hat walked by me. I knew exactly who it was. He walked into the bathroom and the guy following him sat down and I started talking to him. Turns out it was Billy Burke. So he came out of the bathroom and I was giving him hell again about his app. He pulled out his cell phone and was allowing me to help him with it. He asked what Peter said on his voicemails so I played one for him and he was having a ball with it. Calling Peter some names and some other things. I asked for a picture with Billy and of course he said yes. He was so sweet. I went back up to the hotel room to brag of course about my photo. I had a blast talking to him for about 20 mins. Well we all went back to the 2nd floor and met a guy named Michael. He was so nice. While we were sitting in the hall. Kellan decided he had to go to the bathroom. The kid was in there for like 10 mins. I swear he was marking his territory or atleast writing a note on the wall. When he walked by the first time. The people walking with him told us to move. I told then I was sorry and Kellan replied with "She was fine where she was". So after he got out of the bathroom he walked by again and he looked at me and I told him to have fun and he winked at me. He was such a sweetie. Then Peter walked by us and he knew exactly who we were. He tried to come talk to us, but the Nazi bitch pulled him away. It was a bunch of crap. There were 5 of us.. What are we going to do...rape him? Seriously? Anyways we got pissed off about that. Well then we decided it was time to go get ready for the ball. We went...ate.. listened to some music and then went upstairs to change to go to the 100 Monkeys concert again. :-) We got to the concert hall and the assholes there told me I couldn't take my camera in. I was pissed. So they held it up at the front for me. The concert was great. Well, after the concert we found out that there was a VIP party with the 100 Monkeys. You had to pay 100$ a ticket to go. We decided to go with one of the girls we met that had a ticket and just to see if we could get in. Well Jackson was getting out of the cab and one of the girls told him he did a great job.. He asked if we were coming in and they told him we were trying to get tickets. He talked to the security and the owner and they got us in. So we totally crashed the VIP party. It was great. I got two pictures with Jackson and they both turned out amazing! Well we got back to the hotel and we all went to bed since we were all leaving the next morning to head back home. So we left. Well I got home and got on Billy's app and he was talking to me on it and telling me thank you and so much more. Billy is truly a sweetheart and so is Peter. They are seriously my two favorite actors now. They helped me have the best time while I was down there. You know what sucks tho and pisses me off? Is the fact the girl I took with me didn't even bother to say Thank you the whole time we were there. Hell she didn't even say thank you after I dropped her off. What a total bitch. Anyways.. Here are some pictures.

*The Girls*
*Billy Burke*

*What I wore with my dress*