Drama brings me stress and gives me a headache.... Ugh!!!!! That is all
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
I failed.
I gave up on going to the beach everyday. It was getting really old going to the beach and nothing changing. So I figured I would wait until it starts rolling in. Which sadly, should be any day now. It has arrived somewhat in Mobile, Alabama. So when it starts showing up, I will continue to post more photos..
On another note. I guess Oklahoma decided they wanted to have some severe weather. A tornado touched down in Norman, Oklahoma. Which is VERY rare. I will have to find the story on why tornadoes never touch down in Norman. It's a pretty cool story. I mean it was close to the next city. Not really sure how much damage was done. Still waiting to hear. The last I heard there were 4 people killed. I hate seeing that. From what I am gathering, the tornadoes just started popping up. Which is crazy..
Nothing more to write now. It is 1:30am. I will look for the story and post pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 4
I decided to go to a different part of the beach today. This time I went to the base and went to the Marina and beach there. It certainly had a little more excitement than Perdido Key has had. So here are the pictures from today. Rumor has it that the oil is still 72 hours away from us.
*At the Marina... Oil booms set up*
*Close up of the Oil Booms*
*Landing on a boat. I think this is a Coast Guard boat, but I am not sure*

*Resource Trucks on NAS*
Sorry that the last 3 photos are so crappy. Was extremely paranoid to bust out my nice camera when this is a blocked off area. So, I had to quickly snap my iphone to get these.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 3
Once again, not really much of a change. Rumor has it that the oil will be here in 72 hours. I have once again taken photos. I figured might as well since no one really truly knows when the oil will be destroying our beaches.
*Water and Sand. Nothing really changed*
*Semi Close up of the Water*
*Not sure what this ship is, but Andrew seems to think that it is a Tanker ship. I am sure it has something to do with the Oil Spill.*
These blog posts are certainly boring, but I am sure they will start changing very soon.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 2
So today was rather a boring day at the beach. I pretty much went there, looked around. Snapped a few photos and left. It was pretty much blanket to blanket there. I guess everyone is enjoying the nice weather and the beautiful beaches before they are destroyed by the oil. Here are picture from today.
*The water is certainly clearer today since the wind isn't blowing. The sand has settled down back where it should be. Again, still no oil.*
*I took this picture so you can see how high the tide got yesterday. It seems to have gotten pretty high*
Well that is all for now! Update tomorrow
Monday, May 3, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 1
So, today I started going to the beach to take pictures of what the beach looks like right now. Everyday I will continue to go back to the same spot at the same beach and take photos. It was a cloudy day today! Kind of was sprinkling while I was there. Anyways, Here are some of the pictures from today!

*Walking to the water. The tides were extremely high today*

*I found this when I was walking to the water. I figured it was a piece of glass, so I just walked past it, not wanting to pick it up. Turns out this would be a Jellyfish called "Man of War" They are pretty deadly Jellyfish.*

*The birds out at the beach really enjoyed the Jellyfishes*

*Close up of the Jelly fish*

*The Water.. It is dirty because the winds were strong today and the tides were high. The sand was stirred up. No oil in this*

*More tides*
Well that is all for day one for me. I will post more tomorrow after I go to the beach. I plan on doing this for as long as it is here in Pensacola. Hoping to get pictures of people helping animals, helping clean up the beaches etc.
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