This past weekend was a blast. I will give you a run down of it.
Friday we went to the Marina and 'debriefed' with Col. Berry. As in drinking beers and just hanging out and talking! It was fun. Later that night we met up with the Hickmans. They were down here visiting to find a house that they could move into at the end of this month. We ended up going to "Maguires". It was amazing! I had a Ruben Sandwich. It was tasty. I wasn't able to eat the whole thing!
Saturday, Andrew volunteered to go to the lighthouse on base and help them there. He was there from about 11-5 laying sod. He came home and we played WOW for most of the night. I know exciting right?
Sunday, we woke up bright and early to get ready to drive to Eglin AFB for the Air Show! We arrived there around the time that it was starting! It was a blast! Of course, I had my camera with me. I was having a blast. We walked around the show and looked at all the airplanes, then we went and sat on the bleachers literally right in front of the USAF Thunderbirds. I had my plan. I wanted to get pictures of them getting into their aircrafts etc. Before the Thunderbirds flew, (Which was at the end of the show), We were able to see a F-22 Raptor fly (Andrew's favorite plane) Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Such a beautiful aircraft. How I managed to get some decent pictures of it, I am not sure. The Thunderbirds did an amazing job, but in my opinion, they are no Blue Angels. They Blue Angels tend to fly closer in my opinion. But at the end of the show, I was able to meet the Thunderbirds. It was a blast! They were so nice. I got my picture taken with a couple of them and received 1-6 autographs! I also did not get sun burnt. Well, I did a little on my chest, but nothing too serious. I kept applying sunscreen to myself. I was so paranoid. I didn't want another itching attack! Overall it was a blast! Here are some photos from it!

*F-22 Raptor Flying*
*Lightning II Engine*
There are a lot more. If you would like to see them, please visit my Fan Site on Facebook.
I also forgot to mention that Yesterday, Monday April 12, 2010 a Navy Trainer Jet went down in Georgia. The plane was stationed from here in Pensacola, so this hits pretty close to home. Keep the families in your thoughts and prayers