I am very skeptical about things these days. I have a guard that I put up when I am around people. I tend to get active and outgoing and I am so worried that people will judge me. Hell that's how it was all through middle school and highschool. But now here I am. Down here in Florida and having the time of my life. Still paranoid but it's a experience that is just amazing. I have met a lot of great people down here. I have become close to some. Including girls. Crazy right? Pretty sure most people expected me to become good friends with the wives down here. But I am nothing like them. I get along with them but I don't consider them my close friends. I do have one close friend that is a wife and she is just awesome! Out of the girls, I mostly hang out with the female Lts. I seem to fit in better with them than I have any other girls I have met. They boys down here are great too. Wouldn't trade any of them for the world... Down here I can be myself.. I have been here for over 3 months and if they are still around me that is a great sign... Life is getting better although I do have my ups and downs down here but in the end, it all works out!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Craptastic Week...
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
This quote seems to sum up everything.
I went to the beach this morning to see what I could find. I am pretty sure that the clean up crew had already been by to get the tar balls off the beach. While at the beach I got a text message from the news here saying that Tar Balls were washing up where I was. But yet, I couldn't find any. I did, however get attacked by a wave and stared at by a crab. But, I finally got to see a crab! I took some pictures, but nothing special. Not really worth posting on here. I figured out that the beach is my place to go and relax and think. I was starting to wonder if there was a place like that here for me. In Norman, I would go to the parks. I have no idea where any parks are here, but the beach will do juts fine. The waves are calming and soothing. Plus, when you have your music with you, its just wonderfully. I am sure I will be doing that more often, especially when taking pictures out there.
It's been raining here since about 1pm. Not just normal rain, but a awesome thunderstorm with thunder and lightning. Love this rain. So, I have been curled up in bed watching "The Unit" and "Ironman" Sometimes I just have to get my fix of Robert Downey Jr. HA.
I've thought about starting up a journal on my own. Away from the internet so I can write things down that I am not able to post on here. Not sure if it is such a good idea..
It has been one of those weeks. Let me tell you. I am ready for it to be over with. Earlier in the week we found out that one of Andrew's cousins has MS. Well the early stages of it. Then we found out that one of our friends might have CLL. Not sure on that tho. THEN.. Last night we were informed that a close family friend of ours was in the hospital due to a head injury. I am not going to go into details about it, because it is not my place. But prayers or thoughts are welcome. They need all they can get. I was sent a picture of him and I couldn't believe my eyes.. Tears started running down my face.. So there are quite a few people that are close to us that need prayers.
I know no one reads what I have to say, but it helps me out a lot just to get it out there..
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Update on Oil
It has been awhile since I have updated and this time, I actually have a update. The oil is about 4 miles away from us now. I can not believe this is happening. I figured they would have been able to stop this crap, but obviously they can't. Here are some pictures that have been taken that shows the oil is about 6 miles away from us. This was taken over Memorial day weekend. Not by me.
Within the next few days, I will have pictures of my own. I will start going to the beach tomorrow to do daily photos again. This time is should go better than the last, since the oil is certainly closer to me now. I am hoping that it stays away until Sunday so that Andrew's class and I can go boating. But at this rate, it doesn't look like luck is on my side. Oh well..
Update tomorrow
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
I failed.
I gave up on going to the beach everyday. It was getting really old going to the beach and nothing changing. So I figured I would wait until it starts rolling in. Which sadly, should be any day now. It has arrived somewhat in Mobile, Alabama. So when it starts showing up, I will continue to post more photos..
On another note. I guess Oklahoma decided they wanted to have some severe weather. A tornado touched down in Norman, Oklahoma. Which is VERY rare. I will have to find the story on why tornadoes never touch down in Norman. It's a pretty cool story. I mean it was close to the next city. Not really sure how much damage was done. Still waiting to hear. The last I heard there were 4 people killed. I hate seeing that. From what I am gathering, the tornadoes just started popping up. Which is crazy..
Nothing more to write now. It is 1:30am. I will look for the story and post pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 4
I decided to go to a different part of the beach today. This time I went to the base and went to the Marina and beach there. It certainly had a little more excitement than Perdido Key has had. So here are the pictures from today. Rumor has it that the oil is still 72 hours away from us.
*At the Marina... Oil booms set up*
*Close up of the Oil Booms*
*Landing on a boat. I think this is a Coast Guard boat, but I am not sure*

*Resource Trucks on NAS*
Sorry that the last 3 photos are so crappy. Was extremely paranoid to bust out my nice camera when this is a blocked off area. So, I had to quickly snap my iphone to get these.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 3
Once again, not really much of a change. Rumor has it that the oil will be here in 72 hours. I have once again taken photos. I figured might as well since no one really truly knows when the oil will be destroying our beaches.
*Water and Sand. Nothing really changed*
*Semi Close up of the Water*
*Not sure what this ship is, but Andrew seems to think that it is a Tanker ship. I am sure it has something to do with the Oil Spill.*
These blog posts are certainly boring, but I am sure they will start changing very soon.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 2
So today was rather a boring day at the beach. I pretty much went there, looked around. Snapped a few photos and left. It was pretty much blanket to blanket there. I guess everyone is enjoying the nice weather and the beautiful beaches before they are destroyed by the oil. Here are picture from today.
*The water is certainly clearer today since the wind isn't blowing. The sand has settled down back where it should be. Again, still no oil.*
*I took this picture so you can see how high the tide got yesterday. It seems to have gotten pretty high*
Well that is all for now! Update tomorrow
Monday, May 3, 2010
Oil Spill Update Day 1
So, today I started going to the beach to take pictures of what the beach looks like right now. Everyday I will continue to go back to the same spot at the same beach and take photos. It was a cloudy day today! Kind of was sprinkling while I was there. Anyways, Here are some of the pictures from today!

*Walking to the water. The tides were extremely high today*

*I found this when I was walking to the water. I figured it was a piece of glass, so I just walked past it, not wanting to pick it up. Turns out this would be a Jellyfish called "Man of War" They are pretty deadly Jellyfish.*

*The birds out at the beach really enjoyed the Jellyfishes*

*Close up of the Jelly fish*

*The Water.. It is dirty because the winds were strong today and the tides were high. The sand was stirred up. No oil in this*

*More tides*
Well that is all for day one for me. I will post more tomorrow after I go to the beach. I plan on doing this for as long as it is here in Pensacola. Hoping to get pictures of people helping animals, helping clean up the beaches etc.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Oil Spill?
I haven't up-dated in awhile. So, I figured I should update now. There was a Oil Spill near New Orleans a couple of days ago. They are saying that the oil should be here in Pensacola by Monday. I really hope I don't see any sea life. I will seriously cry. I can handle fish, but I don't know if I can handle seeing Dolphins, Turtles, Sting Rays and all those other precious Animals. I will be taking pictures over the next few days of how Pensacola changes. Hoping they are completely wrong on the oil coming here.
It rained Friday, which was awesome. I love the rain. I wish it rained all the time. We have a 'pond' out off our balcony! HA! It comes and go's of course. It's still fun.
I am hoping to go home this month and visit. I miss my family and I miss what friends I have down there. But, I really miss my family! I never knew I would miss them this much! So, now the plan is to find a cheat plane ticket. Hopefully. HA
What else is there to talk about. I am actually not sure. I will be posting more tomorrow!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
OKC THUNDER WON!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited to say that the Oklahoma City Thunder won their very first playoff game! This team is very young and they have only been around for 2 season! That is a great achievement for them! The series is now 2-1. Hopefully this Saturday in OKC we can win! Supposedly the noise level was over 109 at the Ford Center. That is LOUD!
Also, today was the NFL draft! WOW.. Talk about Oklahoma having an amazing day! Sam Bradford was chosen 1st! Woohoo! Gerald McCoy was chosen 3rd! Trent Williams was chosen 4. That is 3 Sooners in the first 4 picks! Did anyone see that one coming? Nope! #21 went to Jermaine Gresham! There were a couple of OSU boys in there too.
It was just a great day for all of Oklahoma!
I will write more tomorrow. I am way too exciting to be writing right now!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Bed + Thinking
So, here I am thinking at 12:21am. It seems my friendship with my bestfriend doesn't mean anything. I go out of my way to send her messages and try to talk to her, but she is always too busy. Yes, I know she has a child, but she sure has time to hang out with people. It just doesn't seem right. I know I shouldn't be this upset about it, but I am. She is the one person that I thought would always be there, but now I don't know. I move away and I feel as if I don't even matter. I love her and her daughter to death! It's like she is my sister, but I'm not sure what she is now. It is just so hard being miles apart! Maybe I am just being selfish. Hell, I don't even know anymore.
Andrew and I went to an amazing dinner! We went to the Pensacola Ale House! Yummy! Here is what I had!

Yummy right? It sure was! It did have a little more fat than I would have liked, but I made it work. This was our dessert!

Capt'n Jacks Buried Treasure! Oh my gosh! It was simply amazing!
Nothing much more went on today! More soon!
Andrew and I went to an amazing dinner! We went to the Pensacola Ale House! Yummy! Here is what I had!
Yummy right? It sure was! It did have a little more fat than I would have liked, but I made it work. This was our dessert!
Capt'n Jacks Buried Treasure! Oh my gosh! It was simply amazing!
Nothing much more went on today! More soon!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Average Day
Nothing really exciting went on today. Some how I managed to sleep through the Blue Angels practicing. If you have seen them, you know what they sound like. Imagine that extremely low over your house/apartment. That's how it sounds here. They usually practice from 8:30-9:30. I woke up at 10:30. Guess I was tired or just extremely lazy.
I am hoping very soon that I will be able to go and do more photos of the Blue Angels. Especially when they are doing their tricks! Maybe even get a little closer to the hanger for some take off photos! Who knows!
Andrew starts his classes in 19 days, which means, I will probably be blogging a lot more, since he won't be around. But when he is around, he will be studying non-stop. I am hoping it goes smoothly for him. I am sure it will!
It has been beautiful here. I do wish it would rain a little more. I am sure when it gets closer to hurricane season, it will!
The names of the people involved in the jet crash from here were released today. It's a tragedy to see how young they were. Thoughts and prayers continue to go to them during this time!
That is all for now!
I am hoping very soon that I will be able to go and do more photos of the Blue Angels. Especially when they are doing their tricks! Maybe even get a little closer to the hanger for some take off photos! Who knows!
Andrew starts his classes in 19 days, which means, I will probably be blogging a lot more, since he won't be around. But when he is around, he will be studying non-stop. I am hoping it goes smoothly for him. I am sure it will!
It has been beautiful here. I do wish it would rain a little more. I am sure when it gets closer to hurricane season, it will!
The names of the people involved in the jet crash from here were released today. It's a tragedy to see how young they were. Thoughts and prayers continue to go to them during this time!
That is all for now!
BTW, I wrote this from my phone! How cool is that? Thank you iphone for having a app that I can use! Now I have no reason not to write!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Air Show Weekend!!!
Friday we went to the Marina and 'debriefed' with Col. Berry. As in drinking beers and just hanging out and talking! It was fun. Later that night we met up with the Hickmans. They were down here visiting to find a house that they could move into at the end of this month. We ended up going to "Maguires". It was amazing! I had a Ruben Sandwich. It was tasty. I wasn't able to eat the whole thing!
Saturday, Andrew volunteered to go to the lighthouse on base and help them there. He was there from about 11-5 laying sod. He came home and we played WOW for most of the night. I know exciting right?
Sunday, we woke up bright and early to get ready to drive to Eglin AFB for the Air Show! We arrived there around the time that it was starting! It was a blast! Of course, I had my camera with me. I was having a blast. We walked around the show and looked at all the airplanes, then we went and sat on the bleachers literally right in front of the USAF Thunderbirds. I had my plan. I wanted to get pictures of them getting into their aircrafts etc. Before the Thunderbirds flew, (Which was at the end of the show), We were able to see a F-22 Raptor fly (Andrew's favorite plane) Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Such a beautiful aircraft. How I managed to get some decent pictures of it, I am not sure. The Thunderbirds did an amazing job, but in my opinion, they are no Blue Angels. They Blue Angels tend to fly closer in my opinion. But at the end of the show, I was able to meet the Thunderbirds. It was a blast! They were so nice. I got my picture taken with a couple of them and received 1-6 autographs! I also did not get sun burnt. Well, I did a little on my chest, but nothing too serious. I kept applying sunscreen to myself. I was so paranoid. I didn't want another itching attack! Overall it was a blast! Here are some photos from it!
There are a lot more. If you would like to see them, please visit my Fan Site on Facebook.
Click Here to access it!
I also forgot to mention that Yesterday, Monday April 12, 2010 a Navy Trainer Jet went down in Georgia. The plane was stationed from here in Pensacola, so this hits pretty close to home. Keep the families in your thoughts and prayers
Friday, April 9, 2010
Amazing Experience!
WOW! What a great day of photography I had on Wednesday! I can't believe all the amazing shots! Well in my opinion they are amazing. Others might not think so. It was great practice for me to get ready to take some pictures of the Thunderbirds on Sunday! (Pictures below)
*Blue Angels 1, 2, 3 and 7 (4 was on the ground since they were giving a ride to someone)*
That is just some of the pictures that I took. I have about 50 more. I am getting extremely excited for Sunday. Kind of mad that we aren't going tomorrow, but I guess that's what happens when you volunteer for something. Oh well. I will find something to do. Maybe go run around downtown and take pictures of the historic buildings. Or go to the really old cemetery and see what I can find there.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
New Camera Lens!
So my awesome and amazing man and I went to Best Buy and he decided to get me a new lens for my camera since he bought a PS3 about a month ago. Sweet right? He is the greatest! I love him so much! Anyways! Here it is!
*Canon- 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Zoom Lens*
Isn't it pretty? I sure think it is. I am going to try it out tomorrow while watching the Blue Angels practice. Getting in some practice before this weekend when we go to the Air Show. My camera collection is slowly starting to grow! So excited to take some completely awesome photos!
Here are some updates from my last blog. The OU women did not win their game in the final 4. They certainly fought to the last second. Oh well, there is always next year. Along with every sport OU has. Ha.
So I am starting to get a little paranoid about being here in Pensacola. Last week they found a body in a car. They said that there was foul play in that one. Then on Sunday they found another dead body in a car. But they haven't released those details yet. Well, I guess yesterday morning someone was shot in a lot brawl. I am certainly not going out during the night unless Andrew is with me. Freaky! I need to stop reading the news so I don't know when these things happen!
I know this was a short blog! But oh well!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Blue Angels, Cookout and Beach
I am starting to love the fact that on some days I am awoken by the Blue Angels flying around. Usually they fly on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8am. Well I guess this morning they decided they wanted to do a joy flight. I love the south of them flying over. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get used to the sound, but I am! I love it! It's a beautiful sound! Andrew said that we would go on base next week and find a good spot for me to take pictures of them while they are practicing. It is hard to sit on the balcony here at the apartment and try to take pictures because there are all these trees around. Next weekend we are going to Eglin Air Force Base for the Air show! I get to see the Thunderbirds fly and of course get pictures of them. I kind of wish I bad a bigger lens, but I know my camera will do. Especially since I will know where they will be and I wont be looking in weird places for them to come out of. I am hoping the pictures I get of the Thunderbirds turn out better than the last air show I went too. Of course that was like 2 years ago and I didn't have the camera I have now. Also getting pictures of the other aircrafts that will be there! Here are some pictures that I took about 2 years ago! (Click the pictures to get the full image!)
*F-15 Strike Eagle... In this picture the Navigator is rocking out in the back*
*Thunderbirds 1 & 2*
*Thunderbirds 5 & 6*
Anyways, I am very excited about this air show next weekend.
Friday night we went over to the Thomas' house for a cookout. We had a fire, roasted marshmellows and had amazing food. Lt. Thomas can cook for me anyday! HA! It was great hanging out with friends!
Andrew and I went to the beach Saturday with some of the other LT's and their wives! It was a blast, minus the fact that I look like a lobster right now. Oh well. I will survive and when it goes away I will be slightly tan. I am planning on starting to work out starting this week and to lay by the pool. I start training more tomorrow with the Navy Marine-Corps Relief Society. I am very excited to experience it and have fun doing it!
The OU women play basketball tonight. They are in the Final 4. We just have to win this game to get to the championship game! So very excited for the girls! Gotta show my OU pride while living here in Florida! Good luck ladies!
Well there isn't much more to write right now. Have a great Easter!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Moved In
Here I am blogging from my new home! It is absolutely perfect for Andrew, Nova and I. Our furniture and boxes arrived here Saturday morning. It was certainly a blast putting all of our new furniture out and making our apartment actually look like a home!

*Our living room... the TV is bigger right now*

*Our bedroom, not fully set up*

*Guest bathroom*

*These arrived Saturday evening from my parents*
Andrew has been working hard at getting stuff out of the boxes. I prefer to take the box to where the contents belong and unload it that way. He prefers to just get the stuff out of the boxes. We need to get rid of a lot of stuff in my opinion. He has been working hard.
This morning I was woken up by a Pensacola Thunderstorm. It brought back memories of being at home. It was certainly a wonderful wake up.
Tuesday and Weds I have been woken up by the Blue Angels doing their practice at 830am. Last week scared the crap out of me more than this week did. I wasn't expecting them to start flying anytime soon. But that proved me wrong.
I am slowly meeting people here. Hoping to become good friends with some of the girls down here.
Well, there isn't much more to write right now. I am seriously wanting to write more in this blog about my new life and new experiences here in Pensacola, Florida!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
New Home
Well I certainly suck at keeping up with a blog. Since my last post was in January and it is now the middle of March. I am going to try to keep up with it now, since I am in a new place!
Florida is beautiful. We arrived early Monday morning and slept until about 3. It was such a nice, well needed sleep! We ended up going to look at the apartment that we will be getting tomorrow! I am thrilled about it. It is so BIG and spacious! I love it. Our furniture will arrive Saturday morning! I can't wait to start setting everything up. It will look great. I hope (Pictures one day. I promise)
Anyways, that is about all that I have to say right now. I will write more later
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